Machado Honduran Coffee
Honduran Specialty Coffee - I’t more than coffee
The initial challenge was the choice of the brand name. The original name suggested did not resonate well with the target audience: it was difficult to pronounce and lacked appeal. This underscored the need for a strategy that not only embraced the essence of the brand but was also easily embraced and remembered by Honduran consumers.
To overcome these obstacles, we organized a brand validation workshop and a comprehensive marketing workshop. Through these, it was identified that the founder's last name, "Machado," offered a personal and familiar connection missing from the original name. This led us to adopt "Machado Honduran Coffee" as the new brand name, a change that embodied simplicity and memorability. Additionally, we conducted a branding workshop to design the brand's visual identity, culminating in the creation of two distinct proposals that led to various patterns and a complete brand book with the brand's specifications.
The result was a complete transformation of Machado Honduran Coffee, reflected in a printable service catalog, brand elements such as email signature, invoice design, letterhead, business cards, and promotional materials for events. Moreover, we prepared a series of initial social media posts, establishing a solid foundation for their online presence. The brand now enjoys a renewed identity that not only captures the essence of its legacy but also positions it firmly in the minds of its consumers.
Product Design Process
Discovery and Strategy Development

Objectives: Gain a deep understanding of the market, target audience, and the current standing of the brand. Develop a comprehensive rebranding and marketing strategy.

Key Actions: Market analysis, discovery sessions with the client, establishing objectives and KPIs.

Brand Validation and Naming

Objectives: Validate the brand concept and develop a resonant, memorable name.

Key Actions: Brand validation workshop, selection, and validation of the new brand name with the target audience.

Brand Identity Design

Objectives: Design the visual and verbal identity of the brand.

Key Actions: Creation of logo, color palette, patterns, and production of the brand book.

Marketing Material Creation

Objectives: Develop cohesive marketing and branding materials aligned with the new identity.

Key Actions: Design and production of service catalog, promotional materials for events, and corporate branding elements.

Digital Presence Revitalization

Objectives: Update the brand’s digital presence to reflect its new identity.

Key Actions: preparation of social media posts.

Launch and Evaluation

Objectives: Launch the new brand into the market and evaluate its impact.

Key Actions: Execution of a launch campaign, monitoring of the implementation, analysis of results against KPIs, and adjusting strategies as necessary.

Additional Insights

The branding strategy went beyond the visual, encompassing every customer touchpoint to ensure a cohesive and appealing brand experience. The focus on tangible elements such as shirt designs and signage for events strengthened the brand's visibility in physical spaces, complementing its digital presence.

Future Directions

Looking ahead, Machado Honduran Coffee is in a privileged position to expand its market reach. The foundation laid through our rebranding and marketing efforts offers a clear path for sustained growth and the exploration of new market opportunities, always maintaining the heart and soul of the Honduran brand that sets them apart.

"Figura Studio captó perfectamente nuestra visión de branding, desarrollando un logo y una identidad visual que han sido muy elogiados por nuestros clientes. Su profesionalismo y dedicación han tenido un impacto positivo significativo en nuestro negocio."
Ricardo Machado
Owner Machado Honduran Coffee